Tricks To Add Simply/Easily/ PayPal Donate Button To Blogger

Tricks To Add Simply/Easily/ PayPal Donate Button To Blogger
In this tutorial i will demonstswift you how to add or put PayPal Donate Button in blog post, sidebar, footer, above post title and below post. PayPal Button widget is manage in commonly sidebar or in footer.

PayPal Account Information What Is That:
PayPal account is use to receive or sent money and if you want to make a few cents or some bucks from all the hardworking when you are blogging on your Blogger Blog or Stersebuts then you should add a PayPal Donate Button to your blogger (Blogspot Blog) or Website. Adding donation button will encourage all those exquoted readers to say a big thanks you for helping them out but don't think every one donate some money to your blog or stersebuts they are few of who will willingly donate some chumps.

Easily adding a gadget to the blogger sidebar or in the footer of your blogger template you can get some money. We will using a widget to contain our PayPal Donate Button and we have not required to changing template of our blog. If you want to add the PayPal Donate Button in between blog post then it is also very easy to do.

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Add A PayPal Donate Button To Blogger Sidebar Or Blogger Footer:
Create or Make PayPal Account first if you have not already create.

Login to your PayPal account.

Click on the Merchant Services Tab like demonstswiftn in the picture.

Select Donation from the list of keys features displayed in the right sidebar of the PayPal Stersebuts Payments Standard Option 3 Payment Solutions. PayPal have changed its interface. You now need to select PayPal Stersebuts Payment Standard from Merchant Service drop dindividuals and then under the option 1 you will look in ting writing words I must say (There are also Buttons for Donation and Gift certificates). "Click On Donations".

Select Donation link in PayPal from PayPal Stersebuts Payments Standard Option 1 to add a donations button to Blogger Blogspot Blog.

From the PayPal Create a Donation Button Now link (One of Two).

Manage the default button which you want and customize it.

Select the Currency which is adjusting by your country or area and depending on your need location.

Select Donors enter their individuals contribution amount radio button unless you want to have a set amount.

Assure the Secure Merchant ID radio button is choolookd. This will always prevent spammers getting hold of your email address.

At Step 2 it is worth saving your button.

At Step 3 customize your checkout page by allowing donors to write a short comment by selecting the Yes radio button to special instruction to seller.

Select the No radio button for customer's shipping address. Select the create Button.

When PayPal make or creates the PayPal Donation Button HTML code then copy it on your notepad file to further use. Now Sign out of your PayPal Account. Now next work in

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Now Working In Blogger When PayPal Donation Button Code Is Get:
In blogger you can make more and more changes you can easily add or put your PayPal Donation Button where you want but i have best placement of paypal button which i already use on my website.

PayPal Button Adding Tutorial In Blogger Sidebar Or Footer:

Go to

Go to Layout.

Click Add A Gadget.

Select HTML/Javascript widget which is located on 11th no in the list.

Now copy your PayPal Donate Button Code from notepad file where you can save it and paste the HTML code into the HTML coding box.

Now Pick the gadget with mouse and place it sidebar of your template where you want left or right its depends on your choice.

Now give the name of gadget/widget which you want. Like "Donate For My Blog".

Click the save button.

Visit your blog and your PayPal Donation Button is lookp in your blog sidebar.

Now for checking donate button will it work or not click your button you can look this type of page which is given below lookp after your blog page then its mean your PayPal Account is working for your blog.

PayPal Button Adding Tutorial In Blogger Post Footer After Every New Post:

In this small tutorial you can easily add the PayPal Donation Code in the footer of every post but remember your previous post can not work like future post. Before adding the PayPal Button first copy your button code in HTML form.

Go to

Go to Setting.

Go to Post and Comments.

Click on Post Template Add links.

Paste the code into the Post Template Box and save it.

Click to Writing New Post you can look the code in Compose form if you want to look the PayPal Donation Button Code then you should go to HTML form to look the code.

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PayPal Button Adding Tutorial In Anywhere In Blog Post:

If you want to add the PayPal Donation Button in between blog post then copy your button code and go to HTML form and where you want to demonstswift your button paste this code after breaking the <br> tags and you can easily add the code in your blog post and enjoy it.